Sunday, April 09, 2006

Testifying for the existence of Grecian Goddesses

I've wanted to talk about Sophia Kokosalaki for ages here, but I've been putting it off and putting it off (ha, like that's something new for me), because I just don't know what to say about her. It seems so obvious to say that she's a Greek designer with an obviously Greek sensibility, but that her clothes are infinitely wearable. It seems pointless to say that I think I might like her Spring 2005 line best when all of her work is gorgeous and romantic, but still somehow modern. It seems even more pointless to say that her clothes make me want to vacation in the Mediterranean, since that's obviously not a possibility for me any time soon. So, rather than rack my brain to think of something to say about her, I'll just let her clothes speak for themselves:


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