Thursday, May 04, 2006

Birds are back in. Oh wait, they never went out

I like birds. They're pretty. They sing. They leave feathers on sidewalks for children to play with. Really, why wouldn't I like birds? I've liked them on clothes, too; I got my first bird-print top from Urban Outfitters spring of my senior year of highschool, and now, years (two, to be precise) later, bird prints. . . are still everywhere. I mean, really, considering how fast entire shapes can come and go (skinny jeans, anyone?) I'm shocked that such a specific motif is still around.

Really though, I feel like designers are still doing interesting things with birds, so they're still fun and not stale (can you imagine that phrase out of context? "Birds aren't stale." Ha). Here are two of my favorite bird items:

Beautiful, flattering, and creative as always, Built by Wendy, $120. Pricey, but also a look that you probably couldn't recreate for less.

This lovely, sexy jersey dress is by another independent designer, Brooklyn-based Fjord (actually, I think that Built by Wendy is Brooklyn-based, too. Huh. Brooklyn is the newest fashion hotspot. Who knew?). I love, love, love the owl graphic. Owls are so damn sexy! That wasn't sarcasm. I mean it. I don't know how it's possible, but I quite seriously think they're sexy. Bizarre, but then, so is my taste.

But fear not: birds are available in every price range. Here are two of my favorite more gently-priced options:

Both of these are Delia*s, $24 and $17, respectively. The first one makes me think of Grail, which is nice, but the second one is the real gem. I want it. Badly. I've been buying clothes like mad lately (my response to stress), so for the next couple of weeks, I'm trying to cut back (it's true, I'm a junkie), but I might have to make an exception for that ridiculously adorable tank. I mean, $17? It seems like that's less than the emotional cost of passing it up.

Ok, I'm too tired to think of a good conclusion, so. . . yeah. Wear birds if you like them. It's still legit.


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