Saturday, April 07, 2007

Easter dress!

I'm not terribly religious nowadays, but when I was living in my parents household, I was taken to church until I was old enough to resist (about thirteen, I think). Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-religion in any way, I just didn't really identify with what I was taught in chuch. Still, I have some fond memories--and almost all of them are easter. It wasn't that the church was always beautifully decorated in amazing colored banners (and it was). It wasn't that there were fresh flowers everywhere (and there were). It wasn't that the Easter egg hunt was great (and it was). It wasn't that I was given chocolate (and I was). It was that I got to wear the prettiest, frilliest, floral-est, springiest dress of the year on spring! I'm no longer churchgoing, but if I was, I would wear this:

Happy Easter, to those of you who celebrate it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Easter services for exactly the same reasons. Happy to know that someone else feels that way. The dress is beautiful and simply perfect for Easter. Lovely.

10:59 AM  
Blogger La Principessa said...

Glad you like the dress :) hope you had a great day!

8:43 PM  

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